There has been activity on the island.
The commander's post is in a no man's land between two county lines of equal insignificance. Political lines that are merely notations of which collection of local politicians will collect the tax tribute they will then distribute corruptly to their friends, in the name of good government. At times these county lines overlap, each claiming sovereignty...At other times, neither wishes to get its feet wet and they stay on the bank. These are the peaceful interludes...those times of no government.
I have no need of a government for I do not need protection from the forces of the world, you understand...The greatest evil on this planet, and the one which all of us need protection from the most? Governments which have escaped the control of their most common citizens. This is a failure, not of the evil people who capture the flags of once great nations, but of the common people who let them.
That would be you, human!
A requirement of self government is that the form of government put into place be transparent and self limiting, always answering to the choke chain leash held by those it governs. How stupid of humans to place power in the hands of others and turn away to watch frivolities on this television that holds such mesmerizing power over them, while their world is destroyed by ravenous greed.
Odd that this greed of humans so much concerns something that is so poisonous to them in nearly every form of its manifestation...oil. It destroys their lands as they drill for it, and their children as they promote war for its control. It kills their babies and their old people as they burn it, using the one element in the Earth's atmosphere they themselves must have to survive, oxygen, replacing it with soot and poisons.
Stupid...And most stupid of all? Those that serve this greed will ultimately kill themselves and their progeny in the performance of that very service.
The Commander was held captive to oil in the past, but for many decades, he has put it aside...letting the world come to him...and the world has come in pilgrimage, and it is all true and beautiful, though vanishing. Gone are the great muskie that once roamed these waters, but other fish survive here still and take their place. For how long, it remains to be seen. The Commander questions, after all, the ability of humans to jump off of a wrecking train.
There is but one earth, and it is very small. Where will you go, human?
Commander Rapid will be waiting to see what you do.