Eat, Survive, Reproduce!
Two out of three is not good enough, and he fears that human survival chances are pretty slim. He is heartened, however, by the recent rumblings of the normally suicidal FundXtians as they have started talking about something called "Creation Care". The Commander doesn't care what superstitions these idiots adhere to as long as they will try to stop trying to end the world so they can go to whereever it is they think they will go.
The Commander thinks they will most likely join him in the afterlife, washed where the water will flow somewhere downstream. It is the highest aspiration of a 1954 Studebaker, after all...a return to its primordial elements to start all over as building blocks for something different this time. The Commander knows that a 1954 Studebaker is the highest achievement possible on this plane of existance and fully expects to be a worm next time.