What the hell is going on out there? Didn't you people listen? I'm sitting here rusting away and I seem to have more sense than 51.7 percent of you people. Are your brains stuck in reverse? Happened to me once but I got over it.
Day after day, I sit here, as only a 1954 Studebaker Commander can, wise, beautiful and strong in my earlier years, and now only wise. How about paying attention, will you? I'm hoping you folks can learn from my situation here on a small island in White's Creek. No tires, out of gas, head gasket blown, rusting to the ground but wearing the name proudly as I go away. It's happening to you too, by the way. Don't you know that I am you in a few years? I can't remember how I got here in the gorge. Used to be a bridge right next to me but it's gone. One of those low water things that get knocked away the high water that comes every few years but folks always forget about as if it'll never rain too much again. There's a big monument about a half mile downstream with 27 names on it that ought to keep reminding folks, but nope, nope, nope! Gotta be stupid, Won't learn from the past, and you folks'll join me in rust yourselves before you ever learn.
Used to be muskie swimming in this creek. Big fish, good eating, and good fishing. Then they were just gone. Somebody got the last one and couldn't figure out why there aren't any more. You ate the last one,THE LAST ONE, you Dummy! When you eat...the last one...they won't be no more! AS the neighbor says, "You done messed up! Now and for all time."
That's all right, there's plenty more things to mess up. There'll always be stuff to eat and air to breathe and water to drink...but there won't. The little things usually go first, but sometimes it's the big ones like the Muskie. Now the biggest things that swim by are people. I've seen five foot gar but they ain't nothing compared to a 5'10", 185 pound baby boomer wearing googles and flippers. Looked me over real good, though. Seemed to appreciate the fine turn of the nameplate on my fender. A Chrome cursive "Commander" on a blue background, holding sentinel at water's edge. I see things but nobody listens when I pass along the intelligence.
We'll see how it goes.
singning off,
Commander Rapid