"I asked President Clinton what he and George Bush had in common. He replied that in eight days they both will be former presidents." -- John Kerry 10-25-04
Clinton is obviously weak but Folks, he's still the Big Dog! He ran down a list of accomplishements by his administration and what's happened to them under Bush...Surplus to deficit, hope to fear. respect to loathing...and it's only taken Bush four years! The signs up above are fpr the eight more days until regime change in America. Now it's seven!
I have friends who say they are for Bush. I look them in the eye and tell them they know better! He has no business being President and everyone knows it. They are refusing to admit it to themselves. I also tell them this:
When you walk into that voting booth, no one in the whole world will know how you vote except you. You know that America should have a President with two things, a sound intellect and a conscience! So you make the choice...A man who says he can't think of any mistakes he's made, or a man who thinks about all sides of an issue and can change his mind when the information shows him a different course?
I also ask them to state one Kerry lie, which they can't...and then I rattle off six or seven Bush lies, "We have found the Weapons of Mass Destruction!" being chief amongst them.
Then I say, "Don't let these creeps use you and manipulate you...Use your own judgement and think about the future for your children...You know Bush should not be President!...When the curtain closes, help us save our country and vote for Kerry. We have to all be Americans first. We owe it to our children!"
On the future of America, from the environment, to education, from women's rights to war, Kerry is the only choice this time around.
Here is an example of a newspaper that endorsed Bush in 2000 and has now decided to endorse Kerry for President, even though hey endorsed Bush's Brother for Governor:
Four years ago, the Orlando Sentinel endorsed Republican George W. Bush for president based on our trust in him to unite America. We expected him to forge bipartisan solutions to problems while keeping this nation secure and fiscally sound.
This president has utterly failed to fulfill our expectations. We turn now to his Democratic challenger, Sen. John Kerry, with the belief that he is more likely to meet the hopes we once held for Mr. Bush.
The whole editorial is a good read on why a former Bush supporter should now support Kerry:
Kevin Drum at http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/ shouts the good news:
The LA Times shows a dead heat, 48%-48%. The Washington Post tracking poll has Kerry ahead 49%-48%. Rasmussen has Kerry ahead 48%-46%. I haven't looked at every poll out there, and I'm sure they aren't all this friendly toward Kerry, but it's staring to look like Kerry is finally starting to pull ahead after a couple of weeks of no gains.
In other words, it looks like the undecided voters are swinging toward Kerry by the 2:1 margin the conventional wisdom said they would.
I wish The Rude Pundit would wash his mouth out with industrial strength detergent sometimes, but danged if he isn't sharp as an undeleted expletive. He ( Hmm...I really don't know for sure he is a man, now that I think about it.) anyway, he makes the point that before the war, U.N inspectors had the Al Qaqaa installation well in hand and President Bush ordered them, yep he did, out of the country so he could bomb it. Bush claims he was looking for the fabled Weapons of Mass Destruction but what did he order the Military to guard?
The Oil Ministry!
Here's an excerpt (sanitized) from TRP:
...So it is that during those first few Old West days of freedom in Iraq, when looting and raping was the rule of the land, that among the things looted (other than, say, nuclear waste and ancient artifacts) was, glory be, 380 tons of explosives. Mostly HMX, High Melting eXplosive, and RDX, Royal Demolition eXplosive (both have a bunch of other names). They're colorful bits of death. And they blow shit up at an alarming rate, over 26,000 feet per second. They create shock waves that shatter everything in its path. F----n' Bruce Willis could not run fast enough to get away before he was melted into scrapeable goo on the glowing pavement. But, you see, apparently this kind of stuff was not worthy of the attention of American authorities in the minutes, hours, days, and weeks after the invasion, unlike, say, the oil ministry in Baghdad. Even now, one senior Bush adminstration official said, sure, it could kill you, "but it's not a proliferation risk." Other than, you know, the fact that it could be used for making, well, shit, nuclear weapons - the mystical, magical "dual-use" materials Bush used to stammer about, back in the day.
Folks, this is an outrage! Our troops are getting blown up left and right and now, Condi Rice says she and Bush just found out about it? We were guarding the oil but not the Boom-Boom?
Atrios is outraged:
This stuff was looted 18 months ago, and no one told Rice until a month ago? [watching CNN]
Is anyone in charge in this goddamn administration?
Oh Yeah...and the title of the memo was "Al Queda Determined to Attack Inside the United States!" Has anyone told Bush and Rice about that one yet?
There are single telling bits of evidence that stand by themselves as brute testimony that this Administration is seriously incapable of serving America. The Rude Pundit makes a plain case, though liberally laced with profanity:
Here is another example that, standing alone, should be reason enough to remove the Bush Administration. Note who it is from:
...Four months later, intelligence showed Zarqawi was planning to use ricin in terrorist attacks in Europe.
The Pentagon drew up a second strike plan, and the White House again killed it. By then the administration had set its course for war with Iraq.
“People were more obsessed with developing the coalition to overthrow Saddam than to execute the president’s policy of preemption against terrorists,” according to terrorism expert and former National Security Council member Roger Cressey. ...
Military officials insist their case for attacking Zarqawi’s operation was airtight, but the administration feared destroying the terrorist camp in Iraq could undercut its case for war against Saddam.
Jim Miklaszewski NBC NEWS
Al Zarqawi is credited with over one thousand murders since then. Feeling safer?
Kos says it well:
These guys defunded the anti-terrorism budget and shrugged off threats before 9/11. Then they assured the American people after 9/11 that they would bring the terrorists to justice wherever they were. Then they failed to go after someone who everybody agreed was connected to al Qaeda because it might bollix their 18-month-long propaganda campaign to gin up support for a war in Iraq. And they did this even though the suspected target was in Kirma, Northern Iraq, Kurdish-held territory in the no-fly zone.
Got that? Read that paragraph again and tell me you aren't starting to be just a little bit of a Bush Hater!
Courage, Little Commanders!
Commander Rapid